Standalone Installation
install java 17 or newer (brew install java on MacOS, sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre on Debian/Ubuntu, check a how-to for your psecific system)
extract the weavechain node
tar -xf node-1.39.tar.bz2
chmod a+x node-1.39/bin/node
- create the folders for config files and storage
mkdir config
mkdir storage
- generate a new key pair and demo configs
node-1.39/bin/node -kfs config
- start the node
node-1.39/bin/node config/demo.config
- install Chocolatey:
- start a new Powershell with Adminstrator rights
- install wget, bzip2 and Java if not already present
choco install wget
choco install bzip2
choco install openjdk17
- create a new folder for the node and go to it, for example
mkdir c:\weavechain
cd /d c:\weavechain
- extract the weavechain node
curl -O
tar -xf node-1.39.tar.bz2
- create the folders for config files and storage
mkdir config
mkdir storage
- generate a new key pair and demo configs
node-1.39\bin\node.bat -kfs config
- start the node
node-1.39\bin\node.bat config\demo.config